All Saints' Church
Princeton, NJ

The Sacraments
“The sacraments are outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, given by Christ as sure and certain means by which we receive that grace."
Catechism of the BCP p. 857
All Saints' Church offers all these sacraments and sacramental rights of the Episcopal Church.
Baptism at any age is a joyous occasion, and both infants and adults are frequently baptized at All Saints! There are no fees associated with a baptism, though it is a thoughtful gesture to give a donation to the Rector's discretionary fund.
Baptisms normally take place during the regular Sunday 10:15 am worship service. There are some Sundays that are particularly appropriate for a baptism, which our rector will advise on.
If you would like to have your child baptized at All Saints' Church, we would first ask that you consider becoming members of our parish and raise your child in our faith community.
All baptisms are conducted by our rector, who will be very happy to work with you and guide you through the baptismal preparation leading up to the celebration. Please call the church office at (609) 921-2420.
In the Episcopal Church, the Marriage Ceremony is considered one of the most sacred of occasions in most people's lives. As we say in the service, “The union of two people in heart, body and mind is intended by God for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort given one other in prosperity and adversity; and, when it is God’s Will, for the procreation of children. Therefore marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God.”
We welcome couples who sincerely wish to have their marriage blessed by the Church and who are committed to following Jesus Christ through their prayers, witness and active involvement in the Christian Fellowship of the Church. We understand that many couples will not make All Saints’ or the Episcopal Church their faith community; however, we ask that those proceeding in our process be committed to an active involvement in a faith community near where they live.
We follow the procedures outlined by the rubrics in The Book of Common Prayer and by the National and Diocesan Canons of the Episcopal Church.
If, after reading this information, you would like to proceed with your wedding ceremony at All Saints’, we invite you to complete an Application for Marriage, obtainable from our parish office. Upon receipt of the Application, our office will arrange for an initial interview between the couple and a Pastor, who will discuss with the couple the Ceremony as outlined in the Book of Common Prayer. At the conclusion of this meeting, the couple will be asked to sign the Declaration of Intention. Arrangements will then be made to determine the time and date for the ceremony.
Funerals are times for thanking God for the gift of life itself, our own life and the lives of those who have died. As a final gift to those whom we love and who love us, it is appropriate for us to help lay ground work for our own funerals. Please know that clergy at All Saints' are available to assist you in making plans for yourself or someone you love.
When death is imminent or has occurred, please call the clergy as soon as possible. Please call the parish office at (609) 921-2420 during office hours.
Music and the Service
We recommend that music be a part of the liturgy. Not only does it help to convey a sense of hope and joy in a time of sorrow, but also it is an opportunity to share with loved ones and friends some of your favorite hymns and music.
In addition, we suggest that you choose scripture readings which are important to you. You may find a list of suggestions in the Book of Common Prayer in the burial service (pages 494-495). Other Scriptural readings may be chosen; however, we suggest they bear witness to the resurrection.
Memorial Gifts
Many parishioners designate the Mission and Ministry Fund or another fund of their own choosing as the recipient of gifts in honor of the one who has died. The Mission and Ministry Fund is completely independent from the operating budget of All Saints’. Families often have in mind special projects, including outreach ministries, which can be arranged as memorials and can be so designated within this fund. All gifts will be acknowledged and the family of the deceased will be provided with a list of all donors.
Funeral Expenses
There is no charge for the use of the Church or for the ministry of a priest. It is customary to provide an honorarium for the organist and the sexton. All Saints’ will provide you a statement with suggested honorarium for these individual as well as for supplemental musicians if and when the family has requested them. In addition, many families choose to make a direct memorial contribution to the church as a thank offering. In the event, a reception is held any expenses incurred will also be included in this statement.
Cremation is completely in keeping with the Church’s teaching about death. In such instances, the ashes may be interred at a cemetery. One should ascertain whether an urn is required by the cemetery guidelines. The Trinity-All Saints’ Cemetery does not require an urn for the cremated remains.
Flowers are permitted at the altar and are to be arranged by your florist. We ask that your florist confer with the parish administrator before delivering them to the Church.