All Saints' Church
Princeton, NJ
Children, Youth, & Families
Children's Church
Children’s Church is offered during the 10:15 am service during the school year for students in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Each lesson is from the Jesus Storybook Bible, introducing children to God’s wonderful story, and the Savior at the center of that story. A routine format familiarizes children with prayer, listening to the Word, and time to share experiences, feelings, and gratitude.
Nursery Care
Nursery care is available each Sunday starting at 9:00 am so that you are free to attend the Adult Forum or participate in our choir. The Nursery is conveniently located off of the Sanctuary so you can remain close to your little one.

Drama Ministry
Our drama ministry is designed to take the place of the sermon on certain Sundays. The cast ranges from age 6 to 80! In addition, we enact the Nativity story at the annual pageant on Christmas Eve, complete with carols and live animals.